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Bertish Brothers Ride Some Heavy Water

Written By : Chelsea Patterson

Images By : Maleen Hoekstra



It was BIG out there yesterday. There were 50 to 60  foot wave faces off the coast at SW Reefs as well as Dungeons.

It was mangled, dark and heavy and it never really cleaned up on the Atlantic Coast. False Bay reefs looked good , but the magic ones were inconsistent and crowded and not really all that big.

After scouring the coast Greg hooked up with Chris , just in from JHB, and they decided they needed a bit of a rush. If there were no surfable BIG waves on the coast then they would use another tool in their “army knife” of equipment. They would SUP the only semi clean and rideable waves they could see.

Big,  grunting, wobbly waves were unloading on an outer reef off of Seapoint, and the boys were onto it.

The paddle out at Off The Wall was a gamble at best, with 8 footers unloading and steaming across the shallow low tide dolerite rock. The promenade was lined with groups of people watching and probably hoping they would see some heavy action, even if it was just on the paddle-out. Chris snuck out first, with bare rock sucking at his heels and big sets on the horizon.  Greg then punched one 6 foot  white water and scrambled out before a monster arrived.

Nick King tried joining them on his regular SUP (the Bertish’s are on Jeff Clark 10.8s), and did not make the gap. Big frothy whitewater and dolerite took out both fins and flesh, and that was the end of his session.Greg and Chris got a few heavy ones, made some drops, scraped over some monsters and rode some wobbly ,semi clean mounds and walls till dark.

A good work out, a good surf and some adrenaline for the day, the boys were happy.

Check out the pics; Greg is goofy, Chris on his backhand.

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