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Bertish vs Bertish | Maldives vs Mentawais

  • Post category:Blog

Chris Bertish , booked and planned his Mentawai Surf Trip back in 2014- He is currently in the Mentawai’s scoring the trip of a lifetime with his good mates. Stories of Big waves and good times are coming in- here are just a few pics he has posted , with reports of epic surf and an awesome charter.

– 11 days all in with flights from approx. R48000 per person

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Outer Atolls Of the Maldives
Greg Bertish has just returned from an outer atoll charter. The boys scored cooking waves everyday, never under 6 foot face and often in the well over head range. No other surfers, cooking waves , an epic boat , amazing food , cooking surf, cold beer, cooking surf, good coffee, fun times, cold beer , cooking surf !!!!! For more info, photos and a blog on the trip click HERE.

– Male Atolls 10 nights – all in with flights from R25 000 per person sharing
– Central Atolls 9 nights – from R35 000 per person
– Outer Atolls 10 nights – all in with flights from R45 000 per person

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