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Big Wave Swell Chase | Madagascar

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True Blue Travel helped organise and plan a spur of the moment big wave swell chase to Madagascar happening this weekend, 3 big wave riders left South Africa this morning and are on their way!!

Follow the facebook posts below to keep updated :

Thursday 28th

This is CRUSTYS in Madagascar – I love this wave and it is a Beast at 6 feet. Our Big Wave Swell Chasers leave at 6 am tomorrow to chase a swell and confront this tropical Outer reef on Monday at ……. 10 to 15 feet??? YAAHH

'This is CRUSTYS in Madagascar - I love this wave and it is a Beast at 6 feet. Our Big Wave Swell Chasers leave at 6 am tomorrow to chase a swell and confront this tropical Outer reef  on Monday at ....... 10 to 15 feet???  YAAHH'
 Friday 29th

BIG Wave SWell Chase To Madagascar is a GO!
Boards got onto Flight No 1, The 3 BIG wave Crew boarded and the plane left JHB international at 10 am! Good luck and good speed……. Simon surfed an outer REEF in Madagascar 15 Years ago , that he recons was like Cloudbreak in Fiji – it was 10 foot plus and all they had were 6 foot boards- They return again with 8 and 9 foot boards to tap into something like below maybe….

True Blue Surf & Island Travel's photo.
Friday 29th

Two of South Africa’s TOP and most respected BIG wave Surfers and an underground charger Just boarded their flight to Madagascar on the first BIG WAVE SWELL CHASE to Madagascar EVER! this is gonna be interesting – X2 10 foot swells at 18 seconds are barreling down on Madagascar! This is gonna mean some BIG Tropical Barrels never seen or ridden before possibly…. if Air Madagascar & the elements play ball…..

True Blue Surf & Island Travel's photo.