Your Surf Spots with Dreamweaver Charters
Article written and published by Dreamweaver
The Islands of Lombok & Sumbawa are to the South East of Bali and are home to some incredible setups with Desert Point being rated by some as the best lefthander in the world. We are also the only surf charter boat surfing the South Lombok coast, where we have a couple of very nice, secret surf spots!
We are already taking bookings for 2019, with April 20 to 27 already booked as a Private Charter, so to avoid disappointment, contact us as soon as possible to check availability and book your Dreamweaver Surf trip. We still have seats in August, September and October of 2018, all prime swell months here in Indo.
For more information and direct booking, visit Dreamweavers site:
For details and pricing on our latest package to Indonesia, click here.