Unbelievable Bali – Juan Swanepoel
"Greg, Greg, Greg You won't believe it! I just scored that wave you told me to go to, today!! The best part of it, I would rate the sessions' conditions an…
"Greg, Greg, Greg You won't believe it! I just scored that wave you told me to go to, today!! The best part of it, I would rate the sessions' conditions an…
This past August, Peta & Shawn enjoyed an Island & spa getaway in the Maldives, by the Sound of it they had a wonderful time! "Dear Candice I just…
Earlier this month, Trizanne and Malan went on a Maldivian boat charter where they surfed to their heart's content and were beyond Stoked! "We cannot stop thinking and talking about…
Up to 50% off new Stand Up Paddle boards - ALL MUST GO! FREE DELIVERY for those marked with * below. Redline Epoxy Surf SUP for kids - R5000 (…
"We are having a freaking awesome time! Please also tell Greg! THANK YOU!" Juan Swanepoel ( Bali - 12/09/17)
20/8/2017 This August Marcel and a few of his mates set off on a surf trip to remember! They flew to the Maldives and boarded the Catamaran and have had some…
Somewhere in the Maldives, nowhere near Malé. #thelesserknown Marcel, Tony and some of their mates enjoy an awesome first 3 days in paradise. 7 South African mates on a small…
North, Middle, then West we go! So much amazing stuff to do and see in Bali, IF you know where to go. I know a little beach where you…
The Lesserknown of Bali ... Not so far away, but not so close either, is a little right-hand point I know. ( well, one of a few of #thelesserknown points…
Day 19 plus..... Big waves and Barrels of fun for all. I got to surf 10 foot Bombie and outer corner Ulluwatu . It's what I live for in…