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Client Testimonial | Awesome Madagascar Trip!

We recently had some clients arrive back from Madagascar, read below for a bit of insight in to their trip as well as some travel tips and photographs :

From: Rowan Le Roux
Sent: 26 March 2015 11:46 AM
To: True Blue Travel
Subject: Pics and some feedback


As promised attached are a few pics of the scenery and wildlife we encountered on our route.

Our trip to Madagascar was definitely eventful, with the flights being pushed out to late in the evening it made for a long travel time.  Arriving in Madagascar just after 01:00 their time, then having to fill out the lost baggage (surfboard went missing) claim form resulted in an extremely dark ride to our stop over hotel.  The drive was short but once we turned off the main tarred road both Jenna and I felt like we were in a scene straight out of Taken – the road was a gravel road, with shacks running down it the driver not speaking English and two white tourists in the van – needless to say we were a bit nervous.  Thankfully there was no need and we were in fact on route to the hotel – my suggestion – warn future travelers that the night drive to the hotel is dark and scary but ok.

Once we arrived at the Lodge we were settled in and our host(s) were more than happy to follow up regularly with Air Madagascar regarding my missing board, with them and yourself on the case my board did arrive, in one piece with nothing missing.

The service at the lodge was great, they helped arrange all our travel needs and as you can see from the pics we did a fair bit of tourist activities around the area. Overall we had a great trip, your assistance and services were great, I would (and have) recommended that people use you in future, and would do so for the Lodge as well.

Thanks again for everything

Kind regards

Rowan and Jenna”


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