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Our Dream Trip | Sri Lanka

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“From: Rachael Allen

Date: 12 August 2014 11:43:20 AM SAST
To: True Blue Travel
Subject: Our Dream Trip

What was our dream trip? I LOVE that question because everyone around me is sick to death of hearing about it and now I have a reason to repeat it. In November 2012 my Fiance and I set off to Sri Lanka for a month with no expectations other than some uncrowded surf spots.

Our arrival will always be marked with the image of countless smiling faces and a humidity that tells you you have arrived in a foreign land that is destined to be made up of blue sky’s, palm trees and sandy beaches. Upon our first step out of the airport however we were met with what can only be described as pure Chaos. Due to the many surf boards that came with us we had decided to hire a car, how much worse could driving be than peak hour traffic in Cape Town CBD? Well the answer to that is a lot worse! The next 6 hours consisted of us trying desperately to figure out the foreign rules of the road while niftily escaping death and following a road map which turns out wasn’t a road map but rather a Lonely Planet representation of the general gist of the island – images of palm trees and reef breaks quickly started fading.

6 Hours later, exhausted, staving and slightly nervous that the trip of our dreams might be more aptly described as “the holiday we learnt to see the silver lining” we emerged into what can only be described a island paradise. From that moment on we forgot all about the Chaos of Columbo and experienced only G&T’s, long surf sessions and the sounds of the monsoon rains passing over every afternoon at 4.00.

For the next 3,5 weeks that past there was not a single day that we did not experience something profound, whether it be the discovery of a flower that changes colour when heated or the invite from the local postman / farmer /  tour guide (they have a lot of jobs there) to meet his family and share some good food.

The people were, and still are, the most friendly, life loving people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting and played a significant role in making the trip as memorable as it was.

Sri Lanka is a land for adventure and re-evaluation of what is truly important in life. For us – good people, good food and good surf is the best recipe for the best trip ever!

Kindest regards



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