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Inspiring Messages From Survivors at Red Cross Childrens Hospital

  • Post category:Blog

4 April 2017 – A day to be remembered…

Painting the Red Cross Children’s hospital has been an incredible journey for the founder and ambassador of The Little Optimist – Greg Bertish. But today has got to be the most fun they have had so far.

20 past Red Cross Children’s Hospital patients who have survived and overcome some serious battles over the years, came together with the Bertish bros AKA The Uncle Jungles, to paint words of love and encouragement into the walls of the hospital… forever.

Their aim is to inspire, encourage and send words of healing to current and future patients to wish them well in their journeys.

A MASSIVE thanks to the following key contributors

Children’s Hospital Trust Lets paint Redcross Hospital The Little OptimistCancer Dojo Chris Bertish- I’MPossible Primi Piatti Sea Point Vertical Logic Rope Access Glenn Bee Kansai Plascon