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Istanbul To Bali | True Blue Travel Style

We love hearing back from our happy clients!! Read Jean and Irem from Istanbul’s testimonial below, and if you like what you see drop us a mail :

From: Jean Groenewald
Sent: 19 August 2014 08:05 AM
To: True Blue Travel

Hey True Blue!!

Sorry for the late reply but we had to get straight back into the swing of things here in İstanbul which after the holiday proved very difficult.

Firstly let me say how thankful we are about how you guys went above and beyond with organising a truely epic and once in a lifetime trip.İt was never going to be easy trying to get two people from İstanbul to Bali but you guys rose to the occasion and rocked our world.

The accomodation was in short fantastic! What a place! We thought we had a rough idea but we had no idea as it surpassed any and all expectations! We were super stoked and my wife even more so which was important as she wasn’t there to surf but to relax to the max which she did hahahahaha. The food was wonderful every night with my post surf breakfast being a highlight. The waves were awesome with two surfs a day everyday what more could an expat Capetonian ask for!?.

Once again thank you so much for all that you did for us and you better get ready to out do yourself next year because you will definitely be getting a call from us for our next holiday hahahaha. Honestly though thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts truly fantastic!!!

Yours Sincerely

Jean and İrem Groenewald