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The Little Optimist went a bit maverick and wants to paint Redcross Children’s Hospital.

He has roped in @cancerdojo and the Children’s Hospital Trust and they, along with the Hospital will all make it happen.

The old hospital entrance is tired, dirty, peeling and breaking up. This is NOT what we want sick and scared kids and parents to see on arrival. We want bright, happy and clean , to inspire and give them hope. Maybe one day we will get murals and even more beauty to dawn the walls outside as they do on the amazing inside of the hospital.
Amazing feedback , donations and offers. Big mega thanks everyone.
We are working with the amazing Children’s Hospital Trust and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital to get permissions , planning, logistics set up to make this happen!!!!

We will update you all soon. Thank you thank you ….
Follow all here and join our Group to assist and be involved!

To Join our FB group:

Our FB page :

 We need Cash and donations of Paint/Rope access/ Scaffolding

To donate to help paint the Hospital: ( every cent donated will go to this project)

Account Name: The Children’s Hospital Trust
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rondebosch
Branch code: 025009
Account No: 071 443 126
Reference: Paint+Your Initial+Your Surname

Please email a copy of your deposit slip for our records to: