“Dear True Blue Surf & Island Crew
A unique trip like this one, where old school friends, after 26 years living our different and frenetic lives, hook-up (no Wives and Kids), soak in the sun, the surf and each other’s company, is an experience that will never be forgotten and will be cherished to the end – a destination as magnificent as the Maldives, where the heave of the warm ocean and the friendly smiles of the helpful boat crew intertwine to create a tropical bliss to match the occasion.
Kind Regards
Tim Leclercq”
Image : Tim’s Last Leap – last Day and last surf in the tropical Maldives last week!
Watch the video of what the boys got up to HERE
Check out some awesome Maldives Specials HERE
To find out more about the Maldives or to book your trip pop us an email : info@truebluetravel.co.za