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Maldives Catamaran Crazy Waves

If you’re ready to pack your bags and head off to paradise, drop us a mail because we know how to make it happen. With all the knowledge needed and all the know-how on the best hidden waves. It will be beyond anything you can imagine, if you don’t believe us check out the snaps from our clients and what they have to say! Let us know – 

Sushi & Barrels!
Barry, Francois and Joe surf a perfect reef in the Outer Atolls of the Maldives by themselves, again!









Pain & Pleasure
The pain and the pleasure of surfing in the outer atolls of the Maldives. Karl experiences every emotion, but doesn’t mean it is a bad day in the Maldives. They’re ready to hit the waves for another killer session!

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The Expert Himself 
Amazing boat, awesome food, good friends and the swell is pulling in! The least crowded , most consistent , best waves , best boat , surf trip I have ever been on! –  Greg Bertish
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