We have embarked on a month-long family Indo adventure across the islands starting in Bali, and then we will head east to the other islands on planes, cars, ferries, scooters and even water buffalo. Let the adventure begin 🙂
We arrived on the weekend in Bali, that bustling crazy island in southern Indonesia. The kids were on that sugar-induced buzz, fuelled even further by lack of sleep. But a bit of a rest as we nestled in at our cliff-top lodge on the Bukit peninsula over-looking the surf gave us the respite we needed.
FLOW RIM: You can surf proper waves, or fun beginner waves, it’s up to you. Photo Bertish
My wife, Tracy, and the two terrors were straight into the water in 2-3 feet reeling perfection yesterday with a bunch of other families and people learning to surf.
It was amazing to be out of the Cape Town winter for a while and to be enjoying warm and tropical water, followed by Mie Goreng and smoothies, watched by those cheeky and ubiquitious Balinese monkeys in the trees. They even came to visit the flow rim pool! Monkey sea. Monkey do.
In my next blog, I’m afraid dad is going to be sampling a few heavier waves. Watch this space.
MONKEY SEA: Monkeys are all over the place in Bali, especially around Uluwatu. Photo Bertish
The biggest hassle about surf travel is trying to fit everyone’s needs into one trip. Everyone wants to surf different kinds of waves. Some don’t surf. Some want to snorkel or go whale watching or take cultural tours. Luxury is nice some times, but not all the time. A pondok with wooden rafters and palm roof can also be kiff. A swimming pool for some, good fishing for others. Good food, or massages on tap?
How do you find these all-in-one places without wasting tons of cash and time? Greg Bertish has come up with special consultancy packages (by email, phone, face to face or combinations thereof), and if you book through True Blue Travel, he waives the fee.