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Nic Bothma | Off The Wire Exhibition | Cape Town

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True Blue friend and traveller Nic Bothma is currently having an exhibition of his work displayed in the Erdmann Contemporary Gallery. If you are in the area pop in and take a look at some of his epic pieces. The images on display consist of Bothmas work over the past 25 years, including unpublished and rarely seen photographs of Nelson Mandela, from the time of his release until the early 90s. A percentage of the sales will be donated to HOKISA childrens home. The images are on display until the 4th July.

Featured Images : Nic Bothma, Surfers, Muizenberg, 2006 | Amputees, Freetown, 2006


84 Kloof Street, Gardens, Cape Town

 Delhi, India 1998 Photograph © nic bothma

Nic Bothma,Delhi, India, 1998, 42 x 59 cm, Edition of 7, 1998

                                                                                                                       Nic Bothma

Off the Wire

including a homage to former President Nelson Mandela entitled

A Statesman at Work