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Packing For A Surf Trip

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What to pack?  Here are some quick packing tips for your surf adventure.

  1. Sun Protection – It is going to be hot and you’re going be in the sun a lot, so be safe. Pack in the sunscreen, a good quality pair of sunnies (UV protection or polarised ones are even better) lastly don’t forget that sun hat!
  2. Rashies & Booties – The rash vest not just to save you from the sun burn but the rash burns too, booties to save your feet from the coral.
  3. A Helmet – sounds absurd, I know but after a fall on the coral you will understand why. Let’s keep that noggin protected.
  4. Wax, TROPICAL WAX – lots and lots of it. Pack more than you think you will need because it could be a real treasure hunt finding it in unknown lands.
  5. Spare fins & keys – Keys, these little buggers are the first thing to get lost and one of your most valuable items so pack a few.
  6. An extra leash – Easy to replace but hard to find in the middle of nowhere.
  7. Duct tape – simple but with many uses, this could be your life saver. .
  8. Repair & First Aid kit – to not miss out on the pumping waves, it is always best to have a dinge repair kit. Solarez is an essential to not miss out on waves. On that note, to save you from missing out it is having a handy first aid book and basic medical kit.
  9. Tie downs – handy & a board saver, a lot of the time drivers only have rope. Be prepared.
  10. Of course a SURFBOARD!

What makes us awesome is that to get all these items, you can come straight through us.

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