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Rolling in the deep

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True Blue Surf & Island Travel Likes: Rolling in the deep.


Get ready to start ‘Rolling Retro’ with RVCA South Africa and Vudu surf at Llandudno beach Cape Town Sunday the 9th of February.

A celebration of our surfing culture and heritage thanks to Robby Macdonald of Vudu Surf and his incredible quiver of old surfboards- one of the most comprehensive collections of surfboards in South Africa- from vintage John Whitmores, to Clive Barber mini-guns to Martin Potter Twin fins and on into the garish 80’s thrusters Rolling Retro has all the different stokes for different folks…

Make sure you get down to the lifesavers early- like before 10am all you Cape Town people! Entrance is limited, first come first served there will be twelve heats of ten people the final heat of the day will feature all the pros, celebrities, from Jordy Smithand his ASP cohorts( rumoured to be in town for his wedding) Royden Brysonthe van Jaarsveldt brothersFord and York and of course the inimitable Michael Grendon: Two time Rolling Retro pro final winner, big wave surfers like local Jem Johnson and Mike Shlebach will be in the mix- as well as an assortment of well known and highly colourful characters who also surf pretty good too like Wok and Chad du Toit. If surfing’s not your thing- stick around, after dark Bilderberg Motel will delight us with some sonic entertainment, food and booze will be available courtesy of the Llandudno lifesavers who will be raising funds to travel to the 2014 SA champs.

So bust out the beaver-tails, the day-glow and the scallop boardies- girls the crochet bikinis and come get your Gidget on, entry is a hundred bucks- which gets you a limited edition RVCA Rolling Retro event tee- and an ice cold Redbull for your troubles…as well as a chance to ride one of those magic vintage surfboards!

There are some amazing prizes on the line for participants including:

  • Best Surfer (Male, Female & Grom)
  • Best Dressed (Male & Female – we looking for serious 70’s Style)
  • Best Retro Board (Brought to event by a surfer)
  • Best Wipeout
  • Best Bikini
  • Best Instagram

Date: Sunday 09 February 2014
Registration: 9:30am
Entry: R100
Tweet: #rvcarollingretro
Instagram: @RVCASouthAfrica

Sponsors: RVCA, Vudu Surf, Red Bull
Supporting Sponsors: Carling Black Label, Hurricane, Reef
Official Media Partner:

Click here the watch the teaser!