As much fun as it can be, you still need to be careful. It is a dangerous sport having so much fun. I have put a short list togethere of some safety tips to ensure you end the day with no major injuries.
- Sun Rays
We all know the sun is just as dangerous, so be careful and protect yourself. Come prepared and cover up, if you’re coming from winter with your pale white skin, the warm tropical sun will be a shock to your system.
- Booties!
These are essential, in every session, all the time. If anything may happen, they will save your life as well as your feet.
- Knuckles
This could be one of the nastiest injuries, so don’t lose your knuckles. Try keeping your hands open on the top of your board when you duck dive until you have pushed down underneath the wave, then only do you grab your board to come up on the other side.
- Don’t bail on your board
A common mistake but to avoid snapping your board in half, when you are caught on the inside of the wave and you’re going to bail your board make sure it is parallel to the falling lip and if you are going to dive, go FEET first. You have no idea how deep it is.
- Ejections!
They are dangerous. Full stop, the most common cause of head and back injuries are from guys coming off the back of the wave and landing on their boards. Your leg rope is flexible and will come back and nail you. So just don’t it.
- High & Tight!
Get ready for the barrel and make sure you don’t get into a bad situation and wipe out, keep really high on the face of the wave and keep your body in a tight position to ensure you make it through the section. We know those big sets can be killer.
- Feet first
Lastly the most important of them all, don’t dive off head first, GO FEET FIRST. There is a sharp coral reef beneath you and it is extremely shallow, keep reminding yourself this.
The True Blue Team, A.