Hi Greg Bertish,
We’re back from Sumatra and I just thought I’d give you some feedback:
The trip there and back is a nightmare! 36 hours from Cape Town! and thank god for that as that is, I think, exactly what keeps other surfers away. The waves are awesome – I have never before seen a wave that is as consistently good as Karang Nyimbor and Jenny’s. There was not a single day when we did not surf at least twice and the most people out at any point, was about 15. That was probably cause nothing else was good that day and every single surfer in the area converged on Karang. Even then, there is no hassling in the line-up as everyone gets their fair share of waves. In the mornings, we had mostly about 5 guys out, which picked up to 10 at late morning and then over lunch until late afternoon – No one out! Maybe 15 in evenings. The northern spots, like Jenny’s, we surfed completely alone – not even a sign of any other surfers in the area, Way Jambu and Mendiri – mostly only 2 guys out! Krui did not get much swell, so no surfing there for us. The Island looked to be cooking as we drove past, but never got to it, somehow. Bali village has a bulk carrier stranded on the reef, so we could not really make out where the wave is supposed to be breaking. The camp is good and definitely the best of the lot as we could gather from the surfers staying at the other camps – good food, decent rooms, laidback, but very helpful people and a very nice vibe. The scenery is really awesome – the place is virtually unspoilt by tourism and industry. I would say, we struck gold – never have I surfed this much before and on such consistently good waves! I can really recommend this trip to any serious surfer.
Thanks a lot to you and Janeen for making it happen!
Jaco & Barry