Surf Safari to Madagascar – August 2012

4We won’t bore you with the details of getting to Sunshine Safari Lodge, (near Tulear) on the South Western coast of Madagascar. Suffice to say the trip is fairly long (26 hours door to door), fairly rough (taxi, plane, plane, plane, taxi, hotel, walk, Zebu cart, boat, arrive!), but without a doubt extremely worthwhile. Think SA West Coast, but without the mist. The water is warm (24-26 deg), the air is cool (16 to 24 deg) with low humidity, and the waves, well pretty consistent. And uncrowded. The only traffic jam is getting to the bar for an ice cold Three Horses Lager, and even then the worst you can do is second or third in Madame’s  queue. We had mostly small, neat 3 to 4 foot surf, with a few 5ft set patches. We mainly SUP/surfed Jellybabies – an uncomplicated metronomically consistent right that works on a low to mid tide in the light morning offshore breeze. And it’s uncrowded. We had a few great waves at the fickle well renowned Flameballs, but in all honesty we never really had enough swell, and when we did, it was howling a gale (the kite surfers had two epic sessions they swear were among the best ever!). But it was uncrowded. Without doubt the highlight of the trip were two five-hour sessions at a little known, seldom surfed secret spot only Platinum True Blue Travel clients are taken to. Sworn to secrecy, and threatened with de-capitation for revealing its location, this wave cooks in a smallish swell, light off- or cross-shore winds, and is perfect for both SUPing and short-board surfing. Oh, and it’s uncrowded. The accommodation is Spartan, neat and clean. The food is good and healthy. The service and amenities are basic, yet adequate. For us it was all about early starts, windless mornings, 4 hour sessions in fun, consistent surf, some snorkelling, good food, cold beers, and some good laughs with great mates. Oh, and did I mention? It’s uncrowded.

BIG John, Garron, Roger, Little John, Pete, Lewin, Nevil and Crystal.

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