THEBOMBSURF.COM choose True Blue Surf & Island Travel to assist with their Amazing SURF SWINDLER initiative.
“In 2011 we will be taking our readership on a year long around the world surf trip, as vicariously, they live through the adventures of the Surf Swindler via our magazine, website and weekly email news letter. The flood of CV’s we’ve received for potential Surf Swindlers has been incredible and the quality of the entrants bodes well for both a very entertaining and informative year next year for our readers. This is a novel media concept and one that is sure to capture the imaginations of a readers. It opens up a host of media opportunities and capitalises on the South African love of exploration, adventure and travel. 2011 is going to be a wild year for BOMBsurf readers, that’s for sure!” John from the Bomb Surf.
True Blue is proud to be associated with this EPIC Adventure!