Meet Chelsea Patterson
True Blue’s newest member is a very interesting and talented young lady. She is our new Office/Media/Bookings Coordinator and we are STOKED to have her as part of the Team.
Chelsea is 21 years old, originally from Cape Town. She has recently moved back to Town from Stellenbosch.
* She’s looking to rent a bachelor style apartment in the City Bowl/ Gardens area if anyone knows of any?
Chelsea loves travel, reading, design, photography, good food, and family as well as trying any new sport, always game for adventure 🙂
Dreams -To make a name for herself in the photo journalism industry and to travel the world, seeing everything there is to see and to meet and explore as many different cultures as possible
Next Travel Destination : Peru (or Reunion Island)
- She has travelled extensively : USA,Europe,UK and Africa
- Graduated from Stellenbosch with a BA
- Freelance Photography :