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Watch Ex-Pro Sean Holmes In The Maldives

The Southern atolls of the Maldives a chain of deserted tropical islands surrounded by pristine reefs with world-class waves created by long period Indian Ocean swells, are still very untouched and isolated when it comes to surf exploration.


southern atolls sean holmes


March 2018 delivered world class conditions in the area. The peak of the swell didn’t hit until the end of the first week of our boat trip but the wait was well worth it… flawless 4-6ft, 15second swell greeted us and hung around for over 48 hours. It was the perfect end to our adventure. 


southern atolls sean holmes


Sean Holmes and some of his fun crew of South African gentlemen enjoyed a serious week of fun-sized surf, endless fishing, diving, cold beers and good times.



Fortunately, the winds were favourable during the height of the swell creating sheet glass, light offshore conditions, which also made for optimal water clarity. It felt like you were floating on an invisible cloud over the perfectly manicured reef below…. Paradise.




After the final 2 days of flawless barrels, all onboard were more than satisfied and ready to get home and share their memories, photos and tales of perfect Maldives with their friends and families.