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Welcome Home – Mike Green | South Sumatra

South Sumatra – April 2014


Hi Cara and the True Blue Surf & Island Travel Team.

We had a great time in Southern Sumatra. Weather was ok, odd days windy onshore but we went to Jen’s and scored some great waves. Also had some neat K lefts. Surf out front was good most days with 2 days having 10ft sets smash everyone – us older folk took the less smashed approach at Ks – got up 4.30am, not sure those guides knew what they were in for as we do many early mornings at home.We hit out to K’s and scored a few hours to ourselves in fun waves. Surfed Bihah which can be fun.Never got to surf at Jumbu but did sit and watch a few times – has potential but could be tricky when large.All in all we had a blast, walked in the bush, relaxed and just soaked in the atmosphere. Every stop we were greeted by our drivers and we had not one hitch!! Bloody Bagus as our guides would say.Food was great, plenty at every meal and rooms were good. Camp is perfect with trees and palms everywhere. All i can say is THANK YOU so much for the smooth trip. I have told and shown so many friends of the great holidays which can be had if planned correctly. From Steve and myself – job well done and hope to do another sometime soon.

Regards Steve + Mike Green”

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